Friday, December 27, 2019

The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished Essay - 1998 Words

The death penalty is no doubt a just punishment to any person that purposely takes another man’s life. The Bible confirms that â€Å"whosoever shades man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man.† (Genesis chapter 9 verse 6). But the first murderer in the bible; Cain, was not executed but was banished for life. It became clear that there is an error in the idea of killing someone that killed another person. Such people should be sentenced to life imprisonment in order to be free from every man’s blood. Abolition of the death penalty will be beneficial to our society because: there is a risk of killing the innocent, the poor that cannot afford good lawyers will always be victims, racial prejudice is an issue†¦show more content†¦When they brought him and other arrestees to a Detention Centre, the fellow students saw him on his school attire and handcuff. If this person were to be prosecuted, he might have been f ound guilty even though he did not commit the crime. Also, there are many people now on death row, or serving prison term, for crimes they did not commit. A good example of such people is Thomas Arthur. According to report from death penalty information web site; the Alabama state death row inmate had sat on death row for twenty years for crime he did not commit. The report reads, â€Å"The State of Alabama will execute another innocent person on 09-27-09 unless you reach out and act NOW to help fight for his life.† (Paine, 1998).There are so many people in this category all over the world dying and suffering for crime they knew not about. Our jail/prisons are overcrowded today not just with habitual offenders; many of them are innocent of their charges. Similar to Thomas Arthur’s story is Levin â€Å"Bo† Jones of Kenansville, NC who spent 15years of his life in prison, most of which was spent on death row. He was released because he was found to be innocent of the crime that put him in prison. The report said that his release came as States ramp up executions in the wake the U.S. Supreme Court decision approving lethal injection. (Paine). Imagine what would have become of Levin Jones; heShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1192 Words   |  5 PagesNo Death Penalty Capital crime is something that is meant for people that are found guilty of committing a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or theft. These are offences that should not be taken lightly but by killing the offender, the government is carrying about the action that they are trying to prevent. Also, the wrong person may be sentenced to death. After this person is executed, there is obviously nothing that can be done for the terrible mistake to be reversed. The death penalty shouldRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?. The Death Penalty982 Words   |  4 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty is a â€Å"term that applies to capital punishment and is the worst penalty given for committing a murder or an atrocious assault.† (Black s Law Dictionary). Death penalty has been a part of human society and is legally approved for centuries. The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes. Death sentencesRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1925 Words   |  8 Pages Abstract This paper explores five published articles that report on discussion on the very old and yet to answer question of whether the death penalty in the USA should be abolished? The articles, however, vary in their stand on death penalty. In all article it is very different on publisher stand. They discuss thing argument with their own way and vision of thinking. Adina Nicoleta (2011) has raised question for fair trial on the proceeding of the criminal cases. In other article Maestro MarcelloRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1534 Words   |  7 PagesIntro The death penalty gives humans in our legal system rights to decide who deserves to live, a power only God should possess. Capital Punishment takes away our rights as equals. From its origins, the death penalty has been an inhumane, costly, ineffective, and biased form of punishment that needs to be abolished granting everyone their right to live. History of the Death Penalty Down through history, the death penalty has been adapted to be justifiable in the eyes of the people. By alteringRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1523 Words   |  7 Pagescriminals has been performed by nearly every society to date. The death penalty came to the Americas when European settlers brought the idea of capitol punishment from Britain. The ideology behind taking someone’s life for crimes they have committed is a simple one. If a person commits a hennas crime such as murder or rape, they shall receive the death penalty. In more recent times we now see many countries abolishing the death penalty. The trend suggests that the capitol punishment policies still implementedRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1306 Words   |  6 Pageschanged since the 17th century, so why not the age old penalty of death? Capital punishment in the United States is a highly debated topic. Arguments that want to get rid of this method of punishment usually mention th e many problems that capital punishment is plagued with. The death penalty has many issues that cannot be resolved, and since these issues can’t be solved, the death penalty should be abolished. â€Å"The irrevocable nature of the death penalty renders it an unsustainable and indefensible remedyRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1440 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty is a very controversial topic in the United States. It is implemented for the purpose of providing safety to the community and bringing justice to victims and their families. The death penalty is legal in thirty-one states (â€Å"31 States†), and there are over forty different types of federal capital crimes that are eligible for the death penalty. These include crimes such as treason and kidnapping that results in murder (â€Å"41 Federal†). However, many argue whether the death penalty isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished968 Words   |  4 PagesEvery year, thousands of lives are legally taken under the death penalty. Why should we take more lives than the ones that have already been taken? The death penalty is the punishment of execution, carried out legally against an individual convicted of a capital crime. Its proponents argue that the death penalty deters other criminals who may intend to commit similar crimes in the future. However, there is little statistical evidence to support this claim. Also, execution eliminates the criminalRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1350 Words   |  6 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been used by many states, and is normally used for serious crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity, espionage, and violent crimes while other states use it as part of military justice. There are mixed reactions on capital punishmentRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1443 Words   |  6 Pages 6 Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished in the United States? Adalynne Francis CRJU 1000 Dr. Huss November 14, 14 Should capital punishment/ death penalty be abolished in the United States? Many feel that the death penalty is immoral and question whether the state and federal government deserve the right to kill those whom it has imprisoned. On the other hand, those opposed feel that by not acting upon the death penalty communities would plunge in anarchy and that by

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Intellectual Rise of Islam - 959 Words

The Intellectual Rise of Islam The Islamic Golden age provided the Abbasid Caliphate with an immense amount of political power and influence. The empire controlled lands from West Africa to parts of current day Iran and the new capital, Baghdad, quickly developed to into a large and advanced city . With control over previous Greek, Egyptian, and Persian lands, the locality of the empire set base for the academic, philosophical and medicinal advancement that define the Islamic Golden Age. Several schools of thought began setting up in Baghdad, such as Gundishapur which brought Greek medicine, science, and philosophy to the Islamic culture. Schools like these helped Islamic scholars to learn from these texts in order to build their own thoughts and treatises. The pursuit for academic advancement in fields of philosophy, technology, and medicine defines the Golden Age of Islam at it allowed a proliferation of scholars from different regions to study under one empire and one language. The size and stability of the Cal iphate of the time proves their political and economic power, however the success of the society would not have amounted to its potential if it were not for the academic advances that flourished throughout this time period. The translation of Hellenic philosophers provided the stepping stone for Islamic philosophy. For example, Islamic Neoplatonism began flourishing under the first systematic philosopher of Islam, Abu Nasr al-Farabi. His texts, which mirroredShow MoreRelatedIslamic Modernism : A Multiple Modernities Perspective1611 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstanding of western modernity. In this context, Islam and the discourse of western Muslim intellectuals have gradually gained visibility through the continuing migration and the growth of new generations in the western societies. Western Islam also has emerged in the hearth of modernity; yet did not follow the same patters of classical modernization trends. However, it could not escape the hegemonic influence of modernity. As a result, American (western) Islam is emerging not only as a response to theRead MoreIslam And Islam : Islam, Terrorism, And War Essay1468 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause becoming ‘scholars or Ulama of Islam’ via western secular academia is relatively a new phenomenon for majority of Muslims (Moosa 2015). Since the horrific events of 9/11, Islam and Muslims especially has been the crux of much censure and debated in the media. Muslims have been widely discussed by themes of ‘migration’, ‘terrorism’, and ‘war’. In the meta-analyses on the representation of Muslims and Islam in the media between 2000-2015, there is the rise of Orientalist discourses in many mainstreamRead MoreIslamic Religion And The Islamic World959 Words   |  4 Pagescentury, the rise of Islamic religion began to quickly move to rule the territories, taking over to create what is now a very important change in Islamic history. The rise of Islam began in the Arabian desert, showing great change for Islam as a religion, as well as the nature of the Islamic empire, but eventually this great rise began to collapse. The events that took place, is considered to be one of the quickest and affecting movements in history. As the movement took place, the Islam introducedRead MoreIslam S pread Over A Large Portion Of Africa898 Words   |  4 PagesIslam spread over a large portion of Africa through trade with Arabs and the people in the interior of Africa, the Sufi brotherhoods that helped to solidify the beliefs in people, and Arab settlers in Africa. In combination with those, the vast trade networks in Africa and the Indian Ocean, the rise of states in West Africa, urbanization of towns, and the Islamic revivalist movement all helped to spread the religion and ideologies of Islam through Africa. The origins of Islam in Africa did stem fromRead MoreThe Greek And Greek Influence Of The Roman Empire1604 Words   |  7 PagesAnother empire would soon take many influences from the Greeks. In Rome, an empire was beginning to rise. Roman civilization had its roots in Hellenistic culture because they idolized them. They borrowed and enhanced upon the Greek intellectual accomplishments. As the empire expanded this would become increasingly important. As the Romans cont inued to expand their empire and influence, they were also spreading the culture of those who influenced them—the Greeks. The Roman Empire at their peak hadRead MoreThe Puritanical Bans Introduced By The Almohads1558 Words   |  7 PagesJews or the Christians since the rise of Almohad power.† It was not only the Christians who were persecuted by the Almohad movement, as Jews were also the object of abject discrimination. In addition to his previous statement, al-Marrakushi also noted that â€Å"In all the regions of the west there are no synagogues or churches.† The Almohads under Caliph Yaqub (1194-1199) became increasingly paranoid about crypto-Judaism in Jewish families which had converted to Islam. Such was his paranoia and contemptRead MoreThe Recent Engagement Of Contemporary Islamic Thought With Modernity875 Words   |  4 Pagesof western modernity. In this context, Islam and the discourse of western Muslim intellectuals have gradually gained visibility and significance through the continuing migration and the growth of new generations in the western societies. Western Islam also has emerged in the hearth of modernity; yet did not follow the same patters of classical modernization trends. However, it could not escape the hegemonic influence of modernity. As a result, western Islam is emerging not only as a response to theRead MoreThe Conflict Between Islam And Secular State And Islam1298 Words   |  6 PagesMuslims, harmonious relations between the secular nature of the state and the religion of Islam are an important precondition for the conservation of the national consent, political and moral integrity and, thus, prevent conflicts in religious basis. Therefore, finding a successful formula for relations between Islam and secular authorities, and after twenty years of independence, has a serious intellectual, theoretical and practical challenge for all parties, including Europe. Furthermore, it shouldRead MoreThe Rise of Europe853 Words   |  4 PagesThe Rise of Europe Contemporary world power, and the shift from the East to the West during what historian’s term, Medieval/Renaissance Europe, shifted the roles of two vastly different empires – the Ming and Ottoman. Even though we barely even touched on the Ming Empire, I feel like the significance of it, is far too grand to leave out in describing the rise of Europe. Both empires had different types of leadership and core goals – military and social. The Ming Empire was led by brilliant philosophicalRead MoreThe Rise And Further Development Of Islam741 Words   |  3 PagesWith the rise and further development of Islam, the Middle East emerged as a key world region. The religion not only dominated the Middle East but was also spread to the West, Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa as it gained followers and influence. Why was the spread of Islam so quick, extensive, and influential? What was it about Islam that appealed to so many individuals and converted such a large geog raphical part of the world? This can further explained by the process of globalization and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine free essay sample

In â€Å"Ceremonials,† in the October issue written by Connor R. is an impressive article. Florence Welch is not only an exceptional singer, but has great meaning being each of those words that she belts out. Her voice gives the chills every time she sings the words aloud. In younger generations, many kids are greatly influenced by the newest songs and lyrics. I feel like in my hometown and teens around the world will just listen to what the most popular music is even if the songs have a huge amount of swear words and talk about inappropriate things. I know that many people listen to some of these artists and don’t realize how foolish the lyrics really are. I think that this leads teens to believe that this behavior is acceptable in society because someone famous is doing it. â€Å"Ceremonials,† however, has meaning behind each word and is worth listening to. We will write a custom essay sample on Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Respiratory System Multiple Choice Questions Essay Example

Respiratory System: Multiple Choice Questions Paper Silvestri: Saunders Comprehensive Review for the [emailprotected] Examination, 4th Edition Chapter 48: Respiratory System Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A postoperative client with incisional pain complains to the nurse about completing respiratory exercises. The client is willing to do the deep breathing exercises but states that it hurts to cough. The nurse provides gentle encouragement and appropriate pain management to the client, knowing that coughing is needed to: Expel mucus from the airways. 2. Dilate the terminal bronchioles. 3. Provide for increased oxygen tension in the alveoli. We will write a custom essay sample on Respiratory System: Multiple Choice Questions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Respiratory System: Multiple Choice Questions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Respiratory System: Multiple Choice Questions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 4. Exercise the muscles of respiration. ANS: 1 Rationale: Coughing is one of the protective reflexes. Its purpose is to move mucus that is in the airways upward toward the mouth and nose. Coughing is needed in the postoperative client to mobilize secretions and expel them from the airways. The other options do not accurately address the purpose of coughing in the postoperative client. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the subject, the purpose of coughing in a postoperative client. Recalling the effects of anesthesia on the respiratory system and the respiratory complications that can occur will direct you to option 1. Review the purposes of coughing if you had difficulty with this question. DIF: Level of Cognitive Ability: Application REF: Linton, A. , Maebius, N. (2007). Introduction to medical-surgical nursing (4th ed. ). Philadelphia: Saunders. 0B]: Client Needs: Physiological Integrity TOP: Content Area: Adult Health/Respiratory MSC: Integrated Process: Nursing Process/lmplementation 2. A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who is beginning oxygen therapy asks the nurse why the flow rate cannot be increased to more than 2 uminute. The nurse responds that this would be harmful because it could: 1 . lncrease the risk of pneumonia from drier air passages. 2. Be drying to nasal assages. 3. Decrease the clients oxygen-based respiratory drive. 4. Decrease the clients carbon dioxide-based respiratory drive. Rationale: Normally respiratory rate varies with the amount of carbon dioxide present in the blood. In clients with COPD this natural center becomes ineffective after exposure to high carbon dioxide levels for prolonged periods. Instead, the level of oxygen provides the respiratory stimulus. The client with COPD cannot increase oxygen levels independently because it could deplete the respiratory drive, leading to respiratory failure. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the clients diagnosis and recall hat in clients with COPD, the level of oxygen provides the respiratory stimulus. This will direct you to option 3. Review the importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in the bloodstream if you had difficulty with this question. MSC: Integrated Process: Teaching and Learning 3. The chest x-ray report for a client states that the client has a left apical pneumothorax. The nurse would monitor the status of breath sounds in that area by placing the stethoscope: 1 . Posteriorly under the left scapula. 2. Just under the left clavicle. 3. ln the fifth intercostal space. 4. Near the lateral twelfth rib ANS: 2 Rationale: The apex of the lung is the rounded, uppermost part of the lung. To check breath sounds in a client with a left apical pneumothorax, the nurse would place the stethoscope Just under the left clavicle. The other options are incorrect. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the strategic words left apical pneumothorax. This will assist in eliminating options 3 and 4. Next, use anatomical landmarks of the lungs to direct you to option 2 from the remaining options. Review data collection techniques for the respiratory system if you had difficulty with this question. MSC: Integrated Process: Nursing Process/Data Collection . A nurse is observing a nursing student listening to the breath sounds ofa client. The nurse intervenes if the student performs which incorrect procedure? 1 . Asks the client to sit upright. 2. Asks the client to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth 3. Places the stethoscope on the clients gown 4. Uses the diaphragm of the stethoscope ANS: 3. Rationale: To listen to breath sounds, the stethoscope is always placed directly on the clients skin, and not over a gown or clothing. The nurse asks the client to sit up and breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth. Breath sounds are auscultated using he diaphragm of the stethoscope, which is warmed prior to use. Test-Taking Strategy: Note the strategic words incorrect procedure. Thinking about this data collection procedure and noting the words on the clients gown in option 3 will direct you to this option. Review the correct method for listening to breath sounds if you had difficulty with this question. DIF: Level of Cognitive Ability: Analysis ed. ). Philadelphia: Saunders. 0B]: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance TOP: Content Area: Adult Health/Respiratory 5. A nursing student prepares to instruct a client to expectorate a sample of putum that will be sent to the laboratory for Gram stain, culture, and sensitivity and describes the procedure to the licensed practical nurse (LPN), who is the primary nurse. The LPN corrects the student if which incorrect description is provided? will use a sterile container from the supply area. 2. l will send the specimen immediately to the laboratory. 3. l will ask the client to brush the teeth and rinse the mouth before expectorating. 4. I will have the client take a shallow breath before coughing. ANS: 4 Rationale: Because of the nature of the test, the sputum must be collected in a sterile not a clean) container. The client should brush the teeth and rinse the mouth to decrease the number of contaminating organisms. The client should take a few deep breaths, and then cough forcefully (not spit) into the container. The specimen should be sent directly to the laboratory. It should not be allowed to stand for long periods at room temperature to prevent overgrowth of contaminating organisms. Test-Taking Strategy: Note the strategic words incorrect description. These words indicate a negative event query and ask you to select the incorrect procedure for collecting the sputum sample. Noting the words shallow breath in option 4 will direct you to this option. Review the procedure for collecting a sputum sample if you had difficulty with this question. DIF: Level of Cognitive Ability: Comprehension 6. A nurse is caring for the client who is at risk for lung cancer due to an extremely long history of heavy cigarette smoking. The nurse tells the client to report which most trequent early symptom ot lung cancer? 1. Hoarseness. 2. Pleuritic pain. 3. Hemoptysis. 4. Nonproductive hacking cough. Rationale: Cough is the most frequent early symptom of lung cancer, which begins as onproductive and hacking, and progresses to productive. In the smoker who already has a cough, a change in the character and frequency of the cough usually occurs. Hoarseness and blood-streaked sputum are later signs. Pain is a very late sign and is usually pleuritic in nature. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the strategic words most frequent early symptom. This will assist in eliminating options 2 and 3, which obviously are later signs. To select between cough and hoarseness, remember that hoarseness would indicate a problem with the larynx, whereas cough would indicate a lower airway problem. Review the common early signs of lung cancer if you had difficulty with this question. 7. A nurse is assisting in caring for a client with an endotracheal tube attached to a ventilator when the high-pressure alarm sounds. The nurse checks the client and system for which most likely cause? 1 . Disconnection from the ventilator. 2. Endotracheal tube cuff leak. 3. Loose connection in the system. 4. Accumulation of secretions in the clients lungs Rationale: When the high-pressure alarm sounds on a ventilator, it is most likely due to an obstruction. The obstruction can be caused by the client biting on the tube, inking of the tubing, or mucus in the lungs that requires suctioning. It is also important to assess the tubing for the presence of any water and determine if the client is out of rhythm with breathing with the ventilator. The incorrect options list items that may be responsible for a low-pressure alarm on the ventilator. Test-Taking Strategy: Note the strategic words high-pressure alarm in the question. Recall that the high-pressure alarm indicates a possible obstruction to help guide you to the correct option. Review the causes of the high-pressure alarm on a ventilator if you had difficulty with this question. A nurse is suctioning a client through an endotracheal tube. During the suctioning procedure, the nurse notes on the cardiac monitor that the heart rate has dropped 10 beats. The nurse should: 1. Stop the procedure and oxygenate the client. 2. Notify the registered nurse immediately. 3. Continue to suction the client at a quicker pace. 4. Ensure that the suction is limited to 15 seconds. Rationale: During suctioning the nurse should monitor the client closely for complications including hypoxemia, drop in heart rate due to vagal stimulation, mucosal trauma, hypotension, and paroxysmal coughing. If complications develop (especially cardiac irregularities), the nurse should stop the procedure and oxygenate the client. Test-Taking Strategy: Use the process of elimination, recalling that suction can cause cardiac rate or rhythm changes. Also use the ABCs†airway, breathing, and circulation†to guide you to the correct option. The correct option is the only one that protects the clients airway and breathing. If you had difficulty with this question, review the complications and interventions associated with suctioning procedure. 9. A client has a closed-chest tube drainage system in place. The fluid in the water seal chamber rises and falls during inspiration and expiration. The nurse interprets that: 1. The tube is patent. 2. The client is retaining airway secretions. 3. Hemothorax is not resolving. 4. Suction should be added to the system. Rationale: With normal breathing, the water level rises with inspiration and falls with expiration if the chest tube is patent. The system should not be affected by airway secretions, because the chest tube drains fluid in the pleural space. Options 3 and 4 are incorrect interpretations also. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the data in the uestion. Recalling that the fluctuating water level in the water seal chamber is expected will assist in directing you to the correct option. Review chest tube drainage systems if you had difficulty with this question. MSC: Integrated Process: Nursing Process/Evaluation 10. A nurse is reviewing the record of a client with acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ) The nurse determines that which finding documented in the clients record is consistent with the most expected characteristic of this disorder? 1 . Arterial Pa02 of 48 2. Arterial Pa02 of 81 3. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute 4.Central cyanosis Rationale: The most characteristic sign of ARDS is increasing hypoxemia with a Pa02 of less than 60 mm Hg. This occurs despite increasing levels of oxygen that are administered to the client. The clients earliest sign is an increased respiratory rate. Breathing then becomes labored, and the client may exhibit air hunger, retractions, and peripheral cyanosis. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the clients diagnosis. Recalling that increasing hypoxemia occurs in this disorder will direct you to option 1 . Review the characteristics of ARDS if you had difficulty with this question.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Best and the Worst Invention Opinion free essay sample

The Best and The Worst Since the birth of the first humanbeing, humanity always invented new things to feed their needs. Some inventions were really filling a blank and made people take one more step further to new questions and needs but some inventions seemed so innocent and useful till humanity become captives of them and forgot about living. In the first ages of human life, people were collecting; fruits and seeds to feed themselves, rocks to create places tol ive, leaves to cover their sexual parts. They were also hunting to get food and proper clothes. They were always have to carry things in long distance because the things they needed to survive were not always close to them. It was hard to carry that lot of things by hand, besides they would need so many people to have enough space for everything. They needed something that can carry multiple things at once, so they invented something from leather. We will write a custom essay sample on The Best and the Worst Invention Opinion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It had a long cord that allowed them to carry it on their shoulders and did not hamper them from what they had to do. It had a large part like a big pocket which they put everything in it. It is what we call â€Å"bag†. Contemporarly bags are more fashion related but stil filling a gap of need besides the bag sector opened the doors of so many sub-sectors of supplies. I can’t imagine how world would be without bags. Bags filled a huge and basic need of humanity. Ofcourse there are a lot of things that we can find like bags however there is a thing that I think it brought humanity to a whole new level. It is obviously â€Å"shoes† I am talking about. Shoes made people travel more, see more, discover more and it protected their feet. Before the invention of shoes, there was the danger of getting bit by a poisonous insect, lizard or snake, or stepping on something really dangerous that could kill you. Because of this, people were afraid of walking in the nature they live in so they invented shoes to protect their feet. With shoes people broke their walls and got on their way to different lands. As they walked, they got more and more curious about the place they are in, they discovered the beauty and the mistery. Shoes are almost the most important invention which opened humanity’s mind to the world. There are two inventions that people believed them to be the best but I think they are the worst. I am talking about Money and internet. Even before the internet Lydians invented †money† to make life more miserable. I am sorry people but Money is the worst invention ever. Maybe it is because people never knew how to use it properly. Take a step back and look at the situation in the world, look to the system. It is all about the Money. Everything means Money in some point. It gets worse and worse everyday. The wars came in and then hunger then DEATH! Consuming human life didn’t satisfy us and we even consumed animals and plants and every living creature in the world. What can be more precious than life? Let me answer this question: MONEY! Money is just a curse. Let’s take a closer look to internet. At the first look it it the greatest invention of the century. It makes knowledge easier to reach, connects people from all around the world, it is fast, it has the knowledge of many libraries of the world, so on and so on. We can’t count all the pros of internet because there is so many but when we think about the cons I think pros are just a tiny dust in the universe. Before internet was invented people spent so many time to reach the knowledge, they put effort to have a relationship, they needed actual conversations, they knew how tol ive the life, they had a life, they had to work fort he things they needed and the most improtant is they had the ability to think. Then computer, then internet came. People became addicted to theese to things. Then people lost their lives and started to become plants. They believed the life they created in internet. People fortog the importance of the knowledge because they reached it so easy. People forgot the joy of relationns because they put no effort. People forgot how tol ive because they had internet. Internet ruined our lives. As we went through centuries inventions got more complicated and had different social plans underneath. This was only a general review of what I see of these four inventions. I tried to keep it as simple as possible so that everyone can see from my point of view. I hope the reader can realize the everyday we use inventions that seem so innocent but it is only the visible part of the iceberg however there are the inventions that we dont care much but have a great effect on the evolution of humanity.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Essay on Critical Thinking

Essay on Critical Thinking Essay on Critical Thinking Essay on Critical ThinkingThe transition from adolescence to early adulthood takes place between 18 and 25 years old (Santrock, 2013). The signs of transition into early adulthood are largely related to ones behavioral characteristics and actions than associated with physical development. Officially, the U.S. citizens are considered adult when they reach the age of 18; upon reaching this age, most U.S. citizens (depending on the state laws) receive the right to work legally, to vote, to marry, to sign contracts, to join the military etc (Fingerman, 2011). Some rights such as purchasing alcohol are however limited by the minimal age of 21 (Fingerman, 2011). At the same time, not all individuals who reached 18 years, possess the characteristics of a young adult.The typical markers of the transition from adolescence to adulthood are economic independence, having a more or less full-time (permanent) job, being able to take responsibility for oneself and such life decisions as marriage, g iving birth to children, etc (Santrock, 2013). Among these developmental markets, the most significant marker is the presence of a more or less permanent job.Therefore, the first girl is not actually right that she should be considered an adolescent basing only on the fact that she was 18 years old. Nothing specific is known about other developmental markers of the first girl, but since she did not demonstrate a willingness to refer to herself as an adult and did not think beyond the limits of age, it is reasonable to classify her as an adolescent. As for the second girl, she is most likely in the stage of early adulthood since she states she pays her own way through college; assuming that she does it using her own earnings, it is reasonable to conclude that she has a more or less permanent job and that she is economically independent or is close to economic independence.John Gottman identified seven principles for making marriage work: 1) enhance your love maps; 2) nurture your fon dness and admiration; 3) turn toward each other instead of away; 4) let your partner influence you; 5) solve your solvable problems; 6) overcome gridlock; and 7) create shared meaning (Santrock, 2013). Basing on these principles, it is possible to develop recommendations for couples planning to marry in order to improve their marital satisfaction and reduce the probability of divorce. These recommendations are the following.Research and write down the preferences of your partner and ask him or her to do the same. It might also be helpful to play questions ask the partner a question about himself or herself and provide an own answer to this question, and then to exchange roles.In the end of every day, recall at least five good things that your partner made to you or positive traits that he or she demonstrated and write them down. It is also beneficial to write at least three thank you to the partner for these actions or traits.Prepare a plan for a week that would include one unusual expression of love and affection for your partner and follow it. These actions can be repeated whenever it is needed.When it is necessary to make a choice or a decision, ask your partner about his or her choice and feelings, discuss yours and work out a shared decision.Identify situational problems that exist between you and your partner, and address them using the following sequence of steps (Cavanaugh Blanchard-Fields, 2014): initiate the conversation in a neutral tone (without negative emotions), deescalate tension associated with the situation, soothe yourself and your partner by taking a break, relaxing or using other ways, reach a compromise and accept the partners flaws or shortcomings.If there is a feeling of dissatisfaction or gridlock in relationships, identify the dreams or wishes that are causing this feeling and choose a time to discuss this question with your partner.Identify activities and values that are shared between you and your partner, and create family ritual s and traditions nurturing these values. For example, this might be going together to church, organizing family meetings or creating a tradition for spending a weekend or a weekday in a specific way. Essay on Critical Thinking Essay on Critical Thinking Essay on Critical ThinkingThe transition from adolescence to early adulthood takes place between 18 and 25 years old (Santrock, 2013). The signs of transition into early adulthood are largely related to ones behavioral characteristics and actions than associated with physical development. Officially, the U.S. citizens are considered adult when they reach the age of 18; upon reaching this age, most U.S. citizens (depending on the state laws) receive the right to work legally, to vote, to marry, to sign contracts, to join the military etc (Fingerman, 2011). Some rights such as purchasing alcohol are however limited by the minimal age of 21 (Fingerman, 2011). At the same time, not all individuals who reached 18 years, possess the characteristics of a young adult.The typical markers of the transition from adolescence to adulthood are economic independence, having a more or less full-time (permanent) job, being able to take responsibility for oneself and such life decisions as marriage, g iving birth to children, etc (Santrock, 2013). Among these developmental markets, the most significant marker is the presence of a more or less permanent job.Therefore, the first girl is not actually right that she should be considered an adolescent basing only on the fact that she was 18 years old. Nothing specific is known about other developmental markers of the first girl, but since she did not demonstrate a willingness to refer to herself as an adult and did not think beyond the limits of age, it is reasonable to classify her as an adolescent. As for the second girl, she is most likely in the stage of early adulthood since she states she pays her own way through college; assuming that she does it using her own earnings, it is reasonable to conclude that she has a more or less permanent job and that she is economically independent or is close to economic independence.John Gottman identified seven principles for making marriage work: 1) enhance your love maps; 2) nurture your fon dness and admiration; 3) turn toward each other instead of away; 4) let your partner influence you; 5) solve your solvable problems; 6) overcome gridlock; and 7) create shared meaning (Santrock, 2013). Basing on these principles, it is possible to develop recommendations for couples planning to marry in order to improve their marital satisfaction and reduce the probability of divorce. These recommendations are the following.Research and write down the preferences of your partner and ask him or her to do the same. It might also be helpful to play questions ask the partner a question about himself or herself and provide an own answer to this question, and then to exchange roles.In the end of every day, recall at least five good things that your partner made to you or positive traits that he or she demonstrated and write them down. It is also beneficial to write at least three thank you to the partner for these actions or traits.Prepare a plan for a week that would include one unusual expression of love and affection for your partner and follow it. These actions can be repeated whenever it is needed.When it is necessary to make a choice or a decision, ask your partner about his or her choice and feelings, discuss yours and work out a shared decision.Identify situational problems that exist between you and your partner, and address them using the following sequence of steps (Cavanaugh Blanchard-Fields, 2014): initiate the conversation in a neutral tone (without negative emotions), deescalate tension associated with the situation, soothe yourself and your partner by taking a break, relaxing or using other ways, reach a compromise and accept the partners flaws or shortcomings.If there is a feeling of dissatisfaction or gridlock in relationships, identify the dreams or wishes that are causing this feeling and choose a time to discuss this question with your partner.Identify activities and values that are shared between you and your partner, and create family ritual s and traditions nurturing these values. For example, this might be going together to church, organizing family meetings or creating a tradition for spending a weekend or a weekday in a specific way. Essay on Critical Thinking Essay on Critical Thinking Essay on Critical ThinkingThe transition from adolescence to early adulthood takes place between 18 and 25 years old (Santrock, 2013). The signs of transition into early adulthood are largely related to ones behavioral characteristics and actions than associated with physical development. Officially, the U.S. citizens are considered adult when they reach the age of 18; upon reaching this age, most U.S. citizens (depending on the state laws) receive the right to work legally, to vote, to marry, to sign contracts, to join the military etc (Fingerman, 2011). Some rights such as purchasing alcohol are however limited by the minimal age of 21 (Fingerman, 2011). At the same time, not all individuals who reached 18 years, possess the characteristics of a young adult.The typical markers of the transition from adolescence to adulthood are economic independence, having a more or less full-time (permanent) job, being able to take responsibility for oneself and such life decisions as marriage, g iving birth to children, etc (Santrock, 2013). Among these developmental markets, the most significant marker is the presence of a more or less permanent job.Therefore, the first girl is not actually right that she should be considered an adolescent basing only on the fact that she was 18 years old. Nothing specific is known about other developmental markers of the first girl, but since she did not demonstrate a willingness to refer to herself as an adult and did not think beyond the limits of age, it is reasonable to classify her as an adolescent. As for the second girl, she is most likely in the stage of early adulthood since she states she pays her own way through college; assuming that she does it using her own earnings, it is reasonable to conclude that she has a more or less permanent job and that she is economically independent or is close to economic independence.John Gottman identified seven principles for making marriage work: 1) enhance your love maps; 2) nurture your fon dness and admiration; 3) turn toward each other instead of away; 4) let your partner influence you; 5) solve your solvable problems; 6) overcome gridlock; and 7) create shared meaning (Santrock, 2013). Basing on these principles, it is possible to develop recommendations for couples planning to marry in order to improve their marital satisfaction and reduce the probability of divorce. These recommendations are the following.Research and write down the preferences of your partner and ask him or her to do the same. It might also be helpful to play questions ask the partner a question about himself or herself and provide an own answer to this question, and then to exchange roles.In the end of every day, recall at least five good things that your partner made to you or positive traits that he or she demonstrated and write them down. It is also beneficial to write at least three thank you to the partner for these actions or traits.Prepare a plan for a week that would include one unusual expression of love and affection for your partner and follow it. These actions can be repeated whenever it is needed.When it is necessary to make a choice or a decision, ask your partner about his or her choice and feelings, discuss yours and work out a shared decision.Identify situational problems that exist between you and your partner, and address them using the following sequence of steps (Cavanaugh Blanchard-Fields, 2014): initiate the conversation in a neutral tone (without negative emotions), deescalate tension associated with the situation, soothe yourself and your partner by taking a break, relaxing or using other ways, reach a compromise and accept the partners flaws or shortcomings.If there is a feeling of dissatisfaction or gridlock in relationships, identify the dreams or wishes that are causing this feeling and choose a time to discuss this question with your partner.Identify activities and values that are shared between you and your partner, and create family ritual s and traditions nurturing these values. For example, this might be going together to church, organizing family meetings or creating a tradition for spending a weekend or a weekday in a specific way.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Short Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Short Answer Questions - Essay Example I feel like this is a reliable and valid assessment because it was an assessment carried out in a non-threatening and informal manner. Under this setting, there is a greater chance for the learner to open up and be honest about her feelings, thoughts, difficulties, and learning needs. I also believe this to be a reliable and valid assessment because it makes use of open-ended questions and these questions help the learners be less restricted by set questions and choices. They can even make their own reflection and self-assessment based on the questions posed and provide a heart-felt and thoughtful response to the questions. Q-1c. Think of another method of assessment used by you or your colleague to assess your learner relating to the same area of learning. Compare the two assessment methods and outcomes, and describe how these methods complemented and/or contradicted each other. Explain how you resolved any contradictions. Structured interviews were also used by me and my colleague in assessing the learner in the same area of learning. In comparing these two assessment methods, there is significant contrast seen. One uses open-ended questions, and structured interviews uses close-ended questions. ... carried out in a more casual setting and manner, without any expectation of their results being used as a method of assessment on the part of the learner. In the structured interviews, it is carried out in a less casual manner with the learner most likely seated on a table answering structured questions. The learner is also aware in this case that he or she is being interviewed for an assessment of his learning needs. For the most part, these two methods complemented each other. The informal interview provided a basis for the assessment of the learning needs, and the structured interview helped to fill in the blanks and gaps seen in the informal interview. Both methods of assessment provided means of confirming the learner’s patient needs. In effect, what may not have been revealed in one interview has been revealed in the other type of assessment. Assessment-2. Feedback:-Think about sessions when you gave positive and more critical feedback to your learner(s). Q-2a. Compare a nd contrast your experience of giving positive feedback to learner(s) (i) formally, in one-to-one sessions; and (ii) informally, when working together. Use examples to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each method. In giving positive feedback formally, the learner was wary at first because she thought that she was going to be reprimanded. However, when she received the positive feedback, she was very much pleased. She also was pleased about being singled out for the positive feedback. She was also eager to talk about the good work that she was able to do and was eager to receive more feedback on how she could improve her work further. In the informal setting, any positive feedback I gave the learner was also well received, especially when I complemented her in front of the other

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Love Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Love Poetry - Essay Example The children are described as â€Å"lambs / disarmed, adoring† (10-11), rightfully taking their place as the center of the family’s religion. Into this picturesque marital image is interjected a somewhat bitter and sarcastic slant through the voice of the speaker. From the first stanza forward, Rubens presents an image of marriage that is both perfection and painful through her use of symbol, tone and language choice. Throughout the poem, Rubens illustrates the man’s apparent wedded bliss as well as the speaker’s inner conflict by filling her stanzas with both pleasure and pain laced with a dose of unreality. She opens the poem by indicating â€Å"he trails burr-like fragments† (1), suggesting something sharp, unpleasant and clinging. Fragments do not satisfy and emphasize the concept that what is seen in London is not complete. The picture imagined by the speaker is necessarily missing several important elements. Thus, from the very beginning, Rubens intends the reader to understand that this is an interpretation of a relationship brought out through a glancing impression. Nothing is real or absolute but is instead an image developed in the speaker’s mind based upon ‘fragments’ that have been presented to her like burrs, which prick her painfully and refuse to let go. At the same time, however, he is accompanied to the office by a bag of â€Å"soft, yell ow apples† (3) and â€Å"a sense of being loved and laundered† (4). The alliteration used in the latter statement allows the words to flow smoothly, suggesting a blissful existence while the apples, a major symbol for the poem, remain soft and welcoming. The use of apples as a major symbol within the poem brings out another element of the negative within the positive. The man provides apples not only for his wife, their children and the children she presumably teaches (â€Å"Later she’ll carry a boxful / of apples to school† 21-22), but also is able to bring a bag of apples

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Huxley, Plato Comparison on Education Essay Example for Free

Huxley, Plato Comparison on Education Essay In Plato’s Republic, Plato believed the state was responsible for the education of its citizens for the purpose of their individual enlightenment. Huxley, in his work Brave New World takes this part of Plato’s utopian society and perverts it in order to indoctrinate the citizens of his state. I will attempt to argue that Huxley uses education by the state to indoctrinate its citizens and ultimately undermine Plato’s theory on education by the state for individual enlightenment. The ways in which Huxley uses education to indoctrinate the individual are diverse. Music or rather hypnopaedic sound was used to indoctrinate the citizens while they slept (Kindle, Huxley, loc 385). Eugenics but more precisely the Bokanovsky Process is used along side with Podsnap’s Technique to create the individual. These processes combined allowed the state to alter embryos and make people into whatever the state desired (Kindle, Huxley, loc 84). The use of music to educate the youth was something Plato originally stated in his utopian society. He stresses that when people are young they are more susceptible to influence (Kindle, Plato, loc 8578). Huxley’s state does this as well and plays hypnopaedic sound (music) while the young are sleeping over and over again to indoctrinate them, and slowly alter their thoughts or make them remember certain things. The uses of hypnopaedic sound vary by tones and tongue but are ultimately used to create â€Å"social stability† which is another way of saying â€Å"control of the populace†. Hypnopaedic sound is used to make the citizens never try to fix anything or use old things, but buy new ones instead. One of the sounds for this type of indoctrination is â€Å"ending is better than mending, ending is better than mending† (Kindle, Huxley, loc 1328). This process of convincing people they need to buy things is a way of gaining contentment and satisfaction as well as benefitting the state by creating a consumer society. The saying or sound â€Å"every one belongs to every one else† is also used to create a society where everyone has sex with each other and there are no relationships. The sex is not for procreation but for entertainment seeing as the state creates the individual and regulates childbirth. Plato also favored this sharing in his Utopia but only for his guardian class of citizens. Huxley applied this to his whole society but the sharing is only in-between classes never outside of classes. Another sound to further indoctrinate is â€Å"Every one works for every one else. We can’t do without any one. Even epsilons are useful. We couldn’t do without Epsilons. Every one works for every one else. We cant do without any one†(Kindle, Huxley loc 951). This is a type of farce, seeing as not all the citizens of Huxley’s world perform the same tasks or duties. Hypnopaedic sound is also used to convince people to take soma (Kindle, Huxley loc 2699). â€Å"A gramme in time saves nine† and â€Å"One cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy sentiments† are some of the hypnopaedic sounds used (Kindle, Huxley loc 1140). The drug soma was developed when the government of Huxley’s society took over the pharmaceutical industry. Soma has no side effects except providing an escape for people away from their problems, anxieties or feelings (Kindle, Huxley, loc 1328). This is really another means of control and also perversion by Huxley, which is compounded by hypnopaedic sound. The sound â€Å"everybody’s happy now† is used to make people believe they are happy and if you believe you are happy, you are happy (Kindle, Huxley, loc 968). This form of perverted education by Huxley is how the state indoctrinates the individual but this is just a part of it. Huxley’s world state employs the method of the Bokanovsky’s Process to create or rather grow its citizens some thousands at a time (Kindle, Huxley, loc 84). This process combined with the Podsnap’s Technique allows the state to mold and create the individual into whatever the state dictates by using eugenics. Plato favored a process of eugenics also as a means to breed out imperfection. Huxley took this process to creation itself instead of modification through generations (Kindle, Plato, 1252). This is Huxley’s way of specialization, which Plato also talks about in his utopian educational system as a necessary way for the state to function (Kindle, Plato loc 4953). Huxley perverts this and takes it a step further and does not give the individual a choice in what their life may be. Citizens are grown in tubes and altered by means of chemicals, additives, and even gravitational forces (Kindle, Huxley, loc 170). By these alterations people cannot think or do outside of what their task or assigned job is by the states indoctrination. The citizen can only do what it is made to do by this process and cannot question it’s purpose. In Huxley’s world state everyone regardless of their class is completely content being what they are and nothing else. This is again because they cannot think outside of what they have been made and told to be by hypnopaedic sound and state modification. (Kindle, Huxley, loc 959). Huxley’s education by means of hypnopaedic sound and eugenics indoctrinates the citizens of his world state. This indoctrination keeps the people from questioning authority and the status quo and ultimately makes them slaves to Huxley’s world state. Huxley does a fine job in Brave New World of showing what can be possible after a great tragedy occurs and the people need someone to save them. This tragedy would then lead to drastic changes in the way people live and ultimately lead to a whole brave new world. Huxley’s Brave New World does not seem possible in the actual world. Brave New World is more of a cautionary tale of what if and the totalitarian state. The real world is to globalized now and states are interdependent upon one another but hey what if?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Macbeth Summary: Selfish Ambitions

Macbeth Summary: Selfish Ambitions The play begins with the brief appearance by three witches and then moves to a military camp where the Scottish King Duncan hears news about his generals, Macbeth and Banquo. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will be made thane of Cawdor and eventually King of Scotland. They also prophesy that Macbeths companion Banquo will beget a line of Scottish kings, although Banquo will never be king himself. While Duncan is asleep, Macbeth stabs him. When Duncans death is discovered the next morning, Macbeth kills the chamberlains and easily assumes the kingship. Macbeth hires a group of murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. They ambush Banquo, but they fail to kill Fleance, who escapes. At a feast that night a ghost visits Macbeth. Macbeth goes to see the witches they show him a sequence of demons and spirits who present him with further prophecies: Macbeth is relieved by the prophecies given to him. Prince Malcolm, Duncans son, has succeeded in raising an army in England, and Macduff joins him as he rides to Scotland to challenge Macbeths forces. Before Macbeths opponents arrive, Macbeth receives news that Lady Macbeth has killed herself. When Macbeth learns that the English army is advancing on Dunsinane shielded with boughs cut from Birnam Wood, fulfilling half of the witches prophecy Macbeth is afraid. On the battlefield, Macbeth encounters the vengeful Macduff, who declares that he was not of woman born but was instead untimely ripped from his mothers womb. Though he realizes that he is doomed, Macbeth continues to fight until Macduff kills and beheads him, Malcolm is now the King of Scotland. Shakespeare utilizes imagery, symbol and hyperbole to expose the consequence of wanton ambition. Macbeth is a play in which the characters provide the reader with gory descriptions of carnage as the result of some sort of ambition. The description of the battle is rich in imagery as it depicts the savageness of war which smoked with bloody execution, Like Valours minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave Which neer shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamd him from the nave to the chaps, And fixd his head upon our battlements (1.2.18-23). This depicts the behavior a brave solider such as Macbeth must execute in order to prove his bravery in the field and his willingness to serve his king in hopes of advancing in rank. The only reason a solider fights is for glory and honor both of which are critical in advancing forward in life. Macbeth only fights because he wants to be prompted to a higher rank, which his relentless determination in battle achieves as he is crowned Thane of Cawdor. The blood that stains Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are symbols of guilt for committing a murder merely for attaining more power Heres the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand (5.1.4345) This line by Lady Macbeth is rich in imagery, Shakespeare allows the reader to experience the horror that accompanies murdering someone. The bloods stench is so strong that not even Arabian scents, which are a luxury, can mask the foul smell of another mans blood. On a deeper level the blood which is equivalent to the murder has stained her not only her physical body but her soul and no matter what she tries to do she will always be tainted by that act. Macbeth is a perfect example of this when he has murdered king Duncan and feels that he can do nothing to wipe his hands clean of the blood; Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, Making the green one red.'(2.2.5859) Neptune is an allusion to the Roman god of the sea whose waters could not wipe the blood symbolic of the murder, meaning guilt, from Macbeths hands. Shakespeare uses hyperbole to captivate the readers attention that murder is in reconcilable when done for selfish reasons. Purpose: As a well know Satirist, Shakespeare goes to great extent to expound the consequences of harboring unbridled ambition. During this time Britain was divided into three parts, England, Scotland and. As a result of this fractured state Shakespeare witnessed much political turmoil at the hands of ambitious men. Shakespeare shares his disdain towards these temperaments through the story of Macbeth. The results of unchecked ambition are numerous, the betrayal that must take place for you to complete your goal, the guilt that overwhelms you and those close to you when you succumb to that ambition and do anything to fulfill it and the vengeance it erects in those who have been affected by unbridled ambition. In an attempt to get rationalize the murder of King Duncan; Macbeth concludes that he has no real reason to kill the king, other than his own ambition to become king. The results of this action demonstrates the dangers of unchecked ambition I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself And falls on the other. (1.7). The quote is ironic because Macbeth recognizes the dangers of acting on such ambitions and realizes that it will most likely lead to his downfall but he still follows through betraying King Duncan who had just promoted and admired him for his loyalty and honor. The consequences of fulfilling your selfish ambitions are devastating to your psyche. By committing the murder Macbeth rapidly degenerates from the honorable solider he was, to a deceiving King who is void of any magnanimous qualities. From this instant, Theres nothing serious in mortality: All is but toys: renown and grace is dead; the wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees is left this vault to brag of (2.3) this is verbal irony because the other characters in the story believe he is being sincere about the murder but at this moment he is relinquishing himself of any personal qualities that may prevent him from being the cold and aggressive man Lady Macbeth wanted him to become. Further irony presents itself when Lady Macbeth exclaims as she sleepwalks Out, damned spot! out, I say! (5, 1) this is an outward manifestation of her inward guilt. After the murder of King Duncan both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth beginning to degenerate, Macbeth becomes a calculating tyrant while Lady Macbe th begins to feel guilt for her role in the deaths of Banquo and Macduffs family. The degeneration of the human mind is complete when Lady Macbeth commits suicide and Macbeth refuses to retreat despite knowing he is going to die. The downfall of Macbeth was that he allowed his ambition to take control of his life. Macbeth allowed other to influence his desires, like, Lady Macbeth and the witches. His mindset was morphed and because of this he gave into the wants and perceptions of other instead of being true to himself.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Modernity Era

When I think of modernity I think of change. Modernity is the act of how and why things progress, move forth and new ideas emerge throughout history. It is also the effect of these changes. Such changes can be seen from about 1400 to now. It is these changes that have occurred that allow us to live in a post modern society. Modernity is the act of change throughout history. Religion is constantly changing. This force unifies and separates people. Changes in religion occur for many reasons. Some may see any particular aspect of their religion overlooked and set out to tell people why we should reexamine our beliefs and change the method in which we worship. Martin Luther was on person who had seen how his method of worship should change. Ultimately he established a new form of Christian religion called Lutheranism. This movement and movements similar to his has changed the way some will worship for centuries. Of all the things that bring about new ideas and change discovery has to be perhaps the most influential to change. There are two ways in which discovery is accomplished one is to search for something new and the other is to make findings purely be accident. Both methods of discovery often happen through observation. The finding of Charles Darwin and his observation of finches is one of the most influential and controversial discoveries of our time. If not for his observations science and religion would be very different than they are today. If discovery leads to change then education must as well. Once education was only for the rich and powerful. But as education spread man has changed. Education has helped lead man to towards more knowledge changing how society and the individual thinks, acts, and socializes. This knowledge has allowed man to recreate him/her-self, it has given man the ability to logically act on choice and decide what is write or wrong. Many have said that education is the key. Believe this because imagine how many doors would still be locked without it. Becoming a global civilization is also an important part of our society. This has often been a goal of main stream culture throughout most of history. Through trade we have succeeded. International trade has allowed the world to communicate with each other. It also gives all countries around the world an standard idea of many cultures, who they are, how to interact with these cultures, the value of many resources and product. It also allows us to share ideas, learn, and make friends and unfortunately make enemies with other cultures. Technology has also changed our way and standards of living. It has changed how we live in the world that it has made. First from an agricultural society to an industrial society. What had come from industry is specialization and the standard work day. No longer were farmers the majority of the workers Many didn't work from morning to night, instead getting paid for what they produced people got paid for how long they worked. With this new technology there were such creations as the television, weapons of mass destruction, and eventually the computer. Now we have come from a society that produces things to a society that produces thoughts. Through technology of life styles have changed and will continue to change. Modernity is the process of change through out history. It how and why we as a society change. It is also how and why things progress, discovery effects us, and new ideas are born throughout history. Modernity is why we are effected by these changes. It is also these changes through out history that allow us to live in a post modern society. Modernity is the process and act of change through out history.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay

The mistress was always considered primitive and did not become civilised after being with Kurtz, showing she had strength to stay who she was and not be influenced by the `white man’, as many black people were. Her power on Kurtz, however, was far too great and he could not help but be influenced by this wild woman and also by the country, in which she lived. Kurtz was also influenced and changed by the `power’ of Africa. He could have control over the natives but he would never be able to succumb to the â€Å"heart of darkness†. The mistress, herself was actually a representation of Africa: â€Å"†¦ like the wilderness itself†¦ † which emphasises her power and compares it to that of her land into which even white men were afraid to venture too deep. When Marlow looked at a map of Africa he described the Congo river as looking like a snake. This again makes the audience relate back to Adam and Eve. A snake which symbolised the devil convinced Eve to tempt Adam. So through this we can see that the mistress received some of her power through a greater source. Her inability to speak makes readers think of her as more animal and primitive but this just adds to her mystery and makes her appear more like Africa and at one with the power in it. â€Å"†¦ the immense wilderness, the colossal body of the fecund and mysterious life seemed to look at her, pensive, as though it had been looking at the image of  its own tenebrous and passionate soul. † Emphasising these three characters’ power, Conrad uses a contrasting character for comparison. This character is Kurtz’s `intended’ who was very much opposite to the other females, in particular Kurtz’s `mistress’. This woman was a typical Victorian fantasy: â€Å"This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow†¦ her forehead, smooth and white†¦ her fair hair seemed to catch all the remaining light in a glimmer of gold. † She is the type of woman any British man would want. The use of words such as `fair’, `white’, `smooth’ and `pure’ conveys her as being innocent and good and she was never spoken about in a sexual way- she seemed not to have any sexuality- which is a very powerful attribute to have. Someone with these characteristics is usually not very powerful. Also her background: she is British and British women were often marginalised from power or authority due to males’ values so too would she be- she is no exception to this- more like an example of it. A year after Kurtz’s death she still mourned him and tells Marlow: â€Å"I have survived. † This tells readers she finds it hard to like without Kurtz- she is finding it hard to find the power to struggle on. Then when Marlow lies to her about Kurtz’s last words- readers are aware that he is does not believe she has enough strength (power) to handle that kind of truth. This lie is made to maintain women’s â€Å"great and saving illusion†. For this `powerless’ woman Marlow wants to â€Å"help (her/women) to stay in that beautiful world of their own†¦ † This is contrasted with the other three `powerful’ women as they were not in â€Å"that beautiful world of their own†. The aunt was almost in a `man’s world’- finding power from others in high places. The knitting women were represented as being in the `after world’ having power over people’s lives and â€Å"guarding the door of Darkness† therefore having the power (like the men believed they had over women) of deciding who could come in to their world and who could not. Then there was the mistress: her personality and her `world’ was the complete opposite to the intended (who was the representation of `powerless’). The mistress was considered wild, very sexual and uncivilised, living in an almost `animal world’ obtaining her power from nature. The typical woman in the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, is represented as not possessing much or any power. This is seen through the eyes of a man – therefore women are marginalised. They are excluded from the bulk of the story but when they do make an appearance, the `aunt’, the `knitting women’ and the `mistress’ all convey some sort of amazing power that is not typical to Marlow’s views and that men (of those times) do not consider or want women to have. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Media †Difference between entertainment and news.

The Media – Difference between entertainment and news. Free Online Research Papers The media is powerful; with that statement, no one can disagree. However, many differ when debating the alleged liberal bias of the media. Now, before you start deeming CNN the â€Å"Clinton News Network,† hear me out. The media is biased in both directions, right and left, and more often than being politically swayed, the media is influenced by money. However, the biggest problem with the media is the kinds of programming and writing that are considered news and what sources are considered journalists. Take the O’Reilly Factor, for example. Bill O’Reilly, the host of the show, is not, I repeat NOT, a journalist. He is a commentator/TV and radio personality. However, because his show is broadcast on news stations, suddenly his opinions and convenient statistics are called news. The media watch group, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, even published a book called â€Å"The ‘Oh Really?’ Factor† criticizing him for his biased reporting, which would normally end a news career, but Fox continues to broadcast his biased little show and write it off as news even though his show and most of the programming on Fox make references of an intended audience: Republicans. The other thing about the media that bothers me is that the owners of huge media corporations can self-censure reports about their subsidiaries. Think of it this way: Time Warner owns CNN, a news network, but also owns companies such as HBO, AOL, People, Sports Illustrated, Fortune Magazine, and New Line Cinema (to name a few). Because they own such wide array of media outlets, CNN isn’t going to rip on Sports Illustrated if a huge scandal explodes as relentlessly as Fox News would have. Does that make CNN less credible? The amount of time people are willing to devote to watching or reading news is becoming slimmer these days, so the juiciest facts instead of the whole story are presented to fit within the short attention span of the average American. Pressure from advertisers is another ways in which our capitalist society actually causes bias in reporting. If Dodge contributes millions of dollars in commercial advertising to ABC, how might that effect a story about Dodge recalls? Government influence, whether its public or covert censorship, biases the media as well. Who knows what kind of information the Bush administration or the CIA is hiding in their back logs of files or what bits of information are withheld to avoid tarnished reputations. The moral of the story is that you have to realize that the news you’re being fed isn’t always cold hard fact. Unless you are reading or watching an actual journalist, the tidbits of â€Å"news† that you hear most likely have an opinion behind it and it most definitely serve a purpose for whatever media outlet you’re hearing it from. In the end, all you can do is realize you’re being tricked and be smart enough to not believe everything you hear. Don’t allow yourself to be a puppet. Look to multiple sources for your news, and be aware that money influences what is broadcast just as political views could affect reporters and editors. Research Papers on The Media - Difference between entertainment and news.Relationship between Media Coverage and Social andEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductHip-Hop is ArtTrailblazing by Eric AndersonStandardized TestingWhere Wild and West MeetResearch Process Part One

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The effect of management practices on firm performance.

The effect of management practices on firm performance. Organizations have strategies to ensure attainment of their goals become a fundamental idea for all employed in the organization. This takes sacrifice from several people in dedicating their efforts to attain the target. Managerial role is in fact a pivotal aspect that makes this dream possible. These personnel are the driving force that stresses the need of everyone adopting to the firm’s objectives and policies. Their take in this role will go well if they institute measures in line with the business.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The effect of management practices on firm performance. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Their subordinate staffs must also be in unison with their role to help them implement these measures. In most cases, the firm may experience ups and downs because of resistance from a few senior staffs with different ideas. Therefore, it will call for the need to reach a consensus (Laszlo L aszlo, 2002). This must take into account every employees’ role in the firm’s output. Ignoring ideas from the lower ranks of staffs would send some signals, which make the process a difficult one. As managers look forward to reaching their goals, they would need to strictly implement their role in the firm, while at the same time abiding to the organization’s objectives and policies (Kubiszyn Borich, 2009). In this context it is necessary to address five main managerial roles and how they have a lasting impact on the organization if not instituted well. The first role is planning, managers have to know the desired direction the firm is focussing on, this will help formulate tangible policies in advance in line with needed changes (Laszlo Laszlo, 2002). Planning defines the future outcome and the firm’s growth in terms of turnover rates, financial gains, manpower, and other prospects. The planning method instituted must therefore, predicts the business c ore functions to be reliable. A reliable prospect is likely to bring change in all facets within the organization endeavours (Rocha Tordera, 2008). This must align with the company’s mission statement and core values to ensure smooth flow of operations. Managers would be tasked with ensuring their plans are genuine and do not contradict the business purpose. To achieve this it would be essential to have general and specific approaches that define the stages of chore implementation to avoid chaotic operations. This ensures every stakeholder attains the set target timely. Sound planning would yield tangible results at the end of specified period if properly implemented. This should be the basis of planning for the next financial year. But sometimes the company may decide to overhaul the initial plans if the management realises the process does not bringing anticipated returns (Marques Simon, 2006).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we c an help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, organization in any business setting is a pivotal aspect that helps the firm attain its goals and objectives. This is the cornerstone in the sense that it ensures the workforce aligns to specific chores and strives to attain assignments as specified. Organization of workforce in line with the firm’s policies protects the welfare of both parties; this ensures a reliable process that is accountable and free from mismanagement. A good organizational skill in a managerial post suffices in making the personnel contribute immensely (Kubiszyn Borich, 2009). Assignment of activities to the workforce would consider factors like ability in the capacity, experience, and individual qualifications. Managements need to grasp these basic issues to enable them run organizations profitably. Recruitment of the right people for a given chore should be in the firm’s policy, their method of hiring should a lso help organize the institution to achieve its objectives. Many organized firms have measures that evaluate their human resource in terms of performance and attainment of specific targets within dockets. This provides them with alternatives like holding refresher courses and workshops to keep them updated on their chores; others have schemes of rewarding the best performers. The approach has an impact of boosting working morale, which translates in high profits (Marques Simon, 2006). Thirdly, commanding the employees in a sober manner makes them realise the importance of attaining the firm’s mission and this would help in moving everyone forward. This function may not go well with every stakeholder in the firm, but it is crucial in instilling a working culture, which translates into good returns. Supervisory skills help these personnel attain their duties without sending negative omens. These must be in accordance with the policies and objectives to make everyone comprehen d the necessity of doing that. In certain instances, inspiration is possible through clever commanding method. One can make the approach in a way that it would inspire workers to respond positively in realising the set target. This should help restore sanity especially if a department fails to maintain the standards it ought to attain. Unlike planning and organization, this managerial function can undergo neither overhaul nor reinstitution; it therefore, depends on signals of poor workmanship. Commanding would not apply in most cases because responses come from specific signal as stated above but it does help to ensure completion of the right chores within a specified duration (Rocha Tordera, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The effect of management practices on firm performance. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fourthly, coordination links the first three functions to bring order within the firm. Managers sh ould ensure coordination of entire duties is prompt for effective implementation. This ensures those concerned identify with specific roles and thus embark on appropriate measures of tackling them. When planning, the most vital aspect is attainment of the project mission (Rocha Tordera, 2008). This largely depends on good coordination of human resources. To attain this, manager will have to be knowledgeable in all areas of importance and deploy skilled personnel to those dockets (Laszlo Laszlo, 2002). Reviewing of each section’s performance would also help in coordination because this draws attention to a segment that lags behind and recommends institution of new force to take the mantle burning. Therefore, evaluation of output and turnover helps in identifying measures that needs institution and implementation before carrying out coordination to restore the projected plan. Finally, controlling business activities is the other managerial function. This is the main role that the previous four functions would hardly attain core values without it. Strategies laid in the initial stages need evaluation and scrutiny to enable relevant authorities take a bold step in controlling the business empire back in track. Deviation of reports from projected outcome will need examination of possible causes and coming up with models to help restore the process. Analyst will provide recommendations to the executives who eventually channel their advices to managers to take decisive steps in controlling the firm’s activities back on track. In most instances control of functions would be in line with the company’s objectives. This provides harmony across various business sections under control. In scenarios where there is no institution of these five functions the organization would fail to realise its mandate. The aftermath would be low turnover and financial loss (Marques Simon, 2006). References Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. (2009). Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice (9th ed.). New York: John Wiley Sons.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Laszlo, K.C., Laszlo, A. (2002). Evolving knowledge development: The role knowledge management in a changing world. Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(4), 400-412. Marques, D.P., Simon, F.J. (2006). The effect of knowledge management practices on firm performance. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(3), 143-156. Rocha, F.S., Cardoso, L., Tordera, N. (2008). The importance of Organizational Commitment to Knowledge Management. Comportamento Organizacional E Gestao, 14(2), 211-232. Web.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

EU LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

EU LAW - Essay Example To preserve such provision, the European Court of Justice was established. When it comes to the application of competition law amongst the different facets of European healthcare, the view of lawyers are at odds. At one end of the gamut, many are apprehensive of its general applicability in the local laws while on the other hand, some argued that these laws fit perfectly in the health care scene. An area of focus is the difference of health care against the other sectors of the European economy. When the primary goal is protecting the patient and meeting their needs in the workforce, then modifications in their applicability is one way of bridging the gap. For example, hospitals must not attempt to put profit gain before service to the public; hence the imperatives of the free market do not directly affect them. II. Health safeguards in the I.T workforce A. First Scenario Assuming that an EU regulation provides for a 5-minute break of employees working with computers at two hour inte rvals throughout the working day; however, UK laws lack such provision. The area of interest now would be the rights of an employer against an employee, after she developed migraine attacks resulting from her constant use of computer, as required from her job. The Van Gend en Loos vs. Neatherland2 2established dual vigilance used to enforce the directives of the European law with every Member State. As a brief background, Van Gend en Loos was a shipping company that imports ureaformaldehyde to Holland with duty charged by the customs services. Thinking such as a clear violation of the former Article 12 EC (Article 25 EC) on the common market, the company asked for reimbursements. However, the Dutch court claimed lack of jurisdiction, since the law is not Dutch. Now, with reference to Article 177 EC (Article 234 EC), the company brought the case to the European Court of Justice citing that the Dutch court erred in its non-application of the EC laws33. In its decision, the ECJ said th at the nature of the EEC treaty on common market implies that the treaty itself does not only laid down a blanket of mutual obligations between the States involved but at the same time, it functions and acts directly to the concerns of the parties in interest. It even added, in relevance to the effect of the treaty, the specific article (Article 12) is to be construed as having direct effects and thus producing individual state rights that every nation ought to protect4. As a conclusion from the case at bar, from the establishment of the signatory states of the international European laws, then the states have effectively limited their sovereign rights – therefore creating a new legal order in these countries. However, in the thin scope of rights, the subjects are not only the states as well as the citizens and nationals. In short, these laws do not only enforce obligations to member states and it citizens but more importantly, it provides a set of rights that will be part of their legal heritage5. Based from the course of action taken by VGL above, the same can be used in order to secure her rights against UK’s (assuming) lack of implementing rules and guidelines of the established law regulation. However, it is to be taken as a consideration that even of the Van

Friday, November 1, 2019

Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes - Essay Example Some are even outright fraudulent. In February of 2006 state inspectors in Kentucky inspected the largest nursing home in the state, which was a 286-bed facility in Highland Heights known as Lakeside Heights Nursing Center. Inspectors found numerous health and safety violations. They declared that ten patients were in "immediate jeopardy" and had discovered that one patient had died after the staff had failed to treat his medical problems properly. A report done by state inspectors (2006) found widespread problems with the facility: The report said the facility was often critically understaffed and that on 24 occasions only one licensed nurse was assigned to the entire facility and at times, the nurse on duty was not trained to administer intravenous fluids, which placed three residents in jeopardy. According to the report, the residents often could not get services or supplies from outside vendors because of bills that the nursing home had not paid. The inspectors documented one case in which a patient, who was frequently choking on solid food, could not get to an appointment with a doctor because the home was in arrears to the cab company. The report said the local water district threatened to shut off service to the facility if the nursing home did not make immediate payments on an overdue bill of $40, 000. Those and many other problems in the report led Kentucky's Inspector General, Robert Benvenuti III, to tell the Cincinnati Post, that this was the worst case he had seen in his 26 months on the job. Mr Benvenuti said a major source of the problems was too few workers, which kept basic care from being performed. In one instance, a state inspector saw a resident sitting, urine-soaked, in a wheelchair and two new pressure sores were identified on the patient's buttocks and the patient was not being checked every two hours as required by law. In another case, an inspector saw a resident moving about the home in a wheelchair with an open, uncovered wound to the big toe and observed dirt and pieces of hair stuck to the wound, according to the report. The resident reported having asked for new dressing at 7 am that morning, and when nobody responded, removed the old dressing. The report noted that a new dressing was not provided until 5:30 pm that day. With not enough staff to get patients out of bed or turned in bed, inspectors found that residents developed new bed sores, or sores that they already had had worsened and that 31 residents did not receive doctor-ordered treatment for their sores. One patient died of an electrolyte imbalance after the nursing home failed to follow the instructions of doctor ordered treatment. The report said that nursing home staff failed to notify doctors of changes in the patient's condition, failed to properly assess the patient's condition, and failed to establish a plan to care for that person. According to the Cincinnati Post, another resident did not receive treatment for blood coming from his mouth for eight hours, during which time bleeding also started in a chest wound and his rectum. In another case, a resident left the nursing home unsupervised and without permission several

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparison of Heroes in Flood Stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of Heroes in Flood Stories - Essay Example He was also mentioned in stories depicting episodes of his drunkenness and the ensuing "Curse of Ham." (Wenham, 2000) Noah's story was greatly influential in the West and was the focus of much elaboration in the following Abraham-ic traditions. In Islam, Noah (Nuh) is believed to be a prophet of Allah (God) (Khan, Anand, & Anand, 2001) and Christians likened the Christian Church to the Ark of Noah (Wenham, 2000). Noah in the book of Genesis lives for a total of 950 years, with the great flood happening in his 600th year. In Quran, Nuh (Noah) is already 950 when the great flood happened and was told to have spent his lifetime preaching the belief that there is only of God (singleness of Allah) (Wenham, 2000). In later stories, only 83 people are willing to become Muslims (submit themselves to Allah) and only these 83 people were saved with Nuh. Mankind's stubbornness ultimately brings God's wrath on the non-believers (Wenham, 2000). In Quran, the theme of the flood story is the need to seek peace with and the unity of Allah. The element of the account focuses totally on the great flood, and does not include the accounts of episodes of Nuh's drunkenness. The "Curse of Ham" story's likelihood is in fact totally disqualified: Quran's Nuh has two sons, not like the Christian Bible's three, and that son does not follow his father despite Nuh's ultimate plea for salvation, "O my son! Come ride with us, and be not with the disbelieve

Monday, October 28, 2019

Math Practice Lab Essay Example for Free

Math Practice Lab Essay Math Practice Lab Pre-Lab Questions: 1. The rules concerning handling significant figures are as follows: When dividing/multiplying The answer has no more significant digits than the number with the fewest significant digits (the least precise figure). Round off after calculations have been performed. When adding/subtracting Answer has no more places than the addend, minuend, or subtrahend with the fewest number of decimal places. Significant figures are irrelevant when adding/subtracting (least number of decimal places rule). 2. The concepts for using scientific notation is to allow the student a form to asses the order of magnitude and to visually decrease the zeros. It allows the student to compare very large or very small numbers and to better understand those numbers. Scientific notation also tells us about significant figures. An example of scientific notation would be the age of the earth. Example: The approximate age of the earth is 4,600,000,000 years old. Using scientific notation this number would look like 4.6 * 10^9. Scientific notation is shorter and easier to read than 4,600,000,000. 3. The rules for handling scientific notation are as follows: If the co-efficient is greater than one the exponent will be positive. If the co-efficient is less than one the exponent will be negative. The base must be 10. The exponent must show the number of decimal places that the decimal needs to be moved to change the number to standard notation. Trailing zeros are significant . Leading zeros are not significant. The decimal place in the beginning goes after the first non zero digit. Example: Convert 60,300,000 to scientific notation Coefficient is greater than one. Decimal place goes after the first non zero number. Note that 6.03 is greater than one. The base must be 10. Therefore, 6.03 * 10 Exponent must show the number of decimal places. 6.03 * 10^7 Purpose: Math Practice Lab is meant to give the basic chemistry student an opportunity to become familiar with necessary math skills that are commonly used in science. These abilities include the chance to demonstrate the use of scientific notation, algebra, density calculations and the use of conversion formulas. Procedure and Data Sheets: Before coming to lab read the practice lab in advance. Complete any assignments that are due before the beginning of the math lab. Familiarize your self with the most common tables used in chemistry such as, the Base SI units, Derived SI units and with the Greek Prefixes used with SI units. Knowledge of formulas such that of density, mass and volume are recommended. Being able to use conversion factors are of great importance to succeeding in chemistry. When using the unit factor method for solving problems make sure to not skip steps. When answering questions make sure your calculation is correct and express the answer using the correct scientific notation and significant figures. When using units make sure to follow with the accurate abbreviations. Make sure to follow the rules when working problems that involve algebra. Make sure that you bring your calculator, plenty of paper and pens to the math practice lab. Base SI Units Used in Chemistry ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ Derived SI Units ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ Greek Prefixes Used with SI Units ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ Commonly Used Formulas ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ Conversion Factors ( not all conversion factors are included) ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ Observations: Precision and Accuracy are highly important when coming up with a measured value. Precision is the closeness of a series of measurements to one another. Accuracy is the measure of correctness. The closeness of a measured result to the true value. Uncertainty is indicated by the number of digits in a measurement. Retaining the least uncertainty is priority. Rules for determining the number of significant figures are: All non zero digits are significant. Zeros between zero digits are significant. Leading zeros are never significant. Trailing zeros after a decimal point are significant. Trailing zeros before a decimal place may or may not be significant. When dividing/multiplying The answer has no more significant digits than the number with the fewest significant digits (the least precise figure). Round off after calculations have been performed. When adding/subtracting Answer has no more places than the addend, minuend, or subtrahend with the fewest number of decimal places. Significant figures are irrelevant when adding/subtracting (least number of decimal places rule). 4. Scientific notation is used to help visualize the order of magnitude and to visually decrease the zeros. This method is used to compare very large numbers and very small numbers. Scientific notation also tells us about significant numbers. There are several rules for using scientific notation: If the co-efficient is greater than one the exponent will be positive. If the co-efficient is less than one the exponent will be negative. The base must be 10. The exponent must show the number of decimal places that the decimal needs to be moved to change the number to standard notation. Trailing zeros are significant . Leading zeros are not significant. The decimal place in the beginning goes after the first non zero digit. 5. Problems involving algebra should be solved by following certain rules: What you do to one side should also be done to the other side. This allows for easier rearrangement of terms. Rewriting problems so that variables and coefficients are not lost in the transition of doing calculations. This allows the student to be able to follow a lot easier. 6. When using the Unit Factor Method it is very important to make sure to not skip any steps. Use all the necessary units so that all the units that are needed cancel each other out. Leaving you with the only unit or units needed to convert to your answer. Not using the adequate units or formulas will result in the wrong answers and could risk the precision and accuracy of the results. Lab Questions: Refer to the Lab Paq (Math Practice Lab Pages 23-29) Conclusion: The use of Scientific Notation, and the importance of algebra, zeros and significant figures are all math skills that are important in helping a chemistry student understand many aspects of science. Grasping these skills are important because it allows the student to visualize the magnitude of what is being calculated in a much smaller or larger perspective. The use of significant figures gives us the least uncertainty possible, therefore resulting in precise or accurate values. This is important when it comes to working in different areas of science because the answers to calculations could mean the difference between life and death. Let us consider a patient at a hospital who is in a lot of pain. The patient requires an injection of 0.16 grain (not 16 grain) of a pain killer that is only available as a 15 mg/mL solution. How many cc’s should be administered to the patient? Considering you are the nurse that is caring for this person it is important that you know how to convert grains into mg/mL. The first thing to do would be to gather the conversion factors needed. 1 grain = 64.8 mg and 1cc = 1 cm^3 = 1 mL. The problem would look like: 0.16 grain * 64.8 mg/ grain * 1 mL/15 mg *1 cm^3/1mL * 1cc/1cm^3 = 0.6912 cc The units will cancel out until the desired unit in this case cc’s is reached. In this case it is important to apply the rules for significant figures. There are two significant  figures in 0.16 grain. In science it is important to apply the rules for significant figures even though we do not apply these rules when working in a math class. Abiding by these rules will give the least uncertainty possible resulting in a precise measurement. The patient will be administered 0.69 cc’s of the pain killer. Physical quantity Name of Unit Abbreviation Length Meter m Mass Kilogram kg Time Second s Temperature Kelvin K Amount of substance Mole mol Physical quantity Name of Unit Abbreviation Volume Cubic meter m^3 Pressure Pascal Pa Energy Joule J Electrical charge Coulomb C Greek prefix Meaning Pico-(p) One-trillionth (10^-12) Nano-(n) One-billionth (10^-9) Micro-(mc) One -millionth (10^-6) Milli-(m) One-thousandth (.001) Centi-( c ) One-hundredth (.01) Deci- (d) One-tenth (.1) Kilo-(k) One-thousandth (1000) Mega-(M) One million (10^6) Giga- (G) One billion (10^9) Density = Mass/Volume Mass = Density * Volume Degree Fahrenheit = 32+9/5 ( Degree Celsius) Degree Celsius = 5/9(Degree Fahrenheit 32) Kelvin = Degree Celsius + 273.15 Length 1 km = 0.62137 mi 1 mi = 5280 ft = 1.6093 km 1 m = 3.28 ft = 39.37 in. =1.0936 yd 1 in = 2.54 cm (exactly) 1 cm = 0.39370 in Mass/Weight 1 kg = 1000 g = 2.2046 lb 1 lb = 16 oz = 453.6 g 1 ton = 2000 lb Volume 1 L = 0.264 gal 1 gal = 4 qt = 3.7854 L 1 cm^3 = 1 mL 33.81 oz = 1 L Energy 1 J = 0.23901 cal 1 cal = 4.184 Joule (J)